There is no failure – only feedback.
So how do I turn rejection to my advantage?
One of the best things about my job is when a role comes off for someone and you know it’s their dream role which will have a positive impact on their future career development. But on the other side of the coin one of the hardest parts of my job is letting someone know when they’ve been unsuccessful and the disappointment you know they’re going to feel.
As a recruiter I’ve built up a relationship with a candidate and got to know them well. I know how much they want the position; how much research they’ve put in, that they’ve rehearsed their interview technique, the difficulty they’ve had trying to juggle their diary and book time off work, the discussion they would have had at home with friends or loved ones, their future hopes and aspirations, even the cost of their travel.
Deciding to go ahead with a job application is a big deal. You’re of course hoping the time and emotional investment will be worth it but of course there’s no guarantee that that you’ll be successful and offered the role.
We all have to deal with rejection from time to time. So, what’s the best way to deal with it?
We all have a natural propensity to take rejection as personal. But I always say to my candidates that no interview is a bad interview.
Remember having been asked for interview in the first place is a big deal. It means your CV stood out to the hiring manager; you’ve been chosen above other applications; your experience has stood out. It’s important to remember this.
Generally, we’re not used to talking about ourselves or ‘blowing out own trumpet. We feel uncomfortable with it as we’ve been taught from an early age not to boast. Having a face to face interview will allow you to practice. Being given the opportunity to think about what you’ve done; your achievements and core competencies is important. It’s something you can use time and time again in your personal and working life.
The feedback you get from an interview can be used and embraced as an opportunity to learn. If a hiring manager has said that you tended to waffle, used “we did” instead of “I did” or didn’t listen to the questions, you can think about this and concentrate on succinctly articulating better responses next time. Replay the questions you were asked. Practice and be ready for the next interview. Bring it on!
Photo credit: Allie Smith