Confidence tricks

    Confidence tricks - creating opportunities in troubled times

    The concept of confidence in today's commercial marketplace has become increasingly examined through the prism of an uncertain economic climate. Entire industries, such as marketing or banking, are built on an underlying foundation of confidence that circulates the very lifeblood of their industries. Once confidence starts to slide therefore, it brings with it no small amount of problems.

    Many of the great UK banking institutions of the last century have either collapsed, merged or been nationalised, and this crisis of confidence is affecting every UK business and professional, both now and into the foreseeable future. So what does this mean for companies and individuals intent on succeeding through these troubled times? Below are some thoughts on why confidence is everything, and how you can use this mentality to create success, even during challenging circumstances such as these.

    The sky is not falling on our heads
    The most important thing to keep in perspective is that however bad things may seem, the situation will get progressively better given time. Although the nation's media, and some of its key politicians, are defining the situation with extreme language, businesses will still trade and smart professionals will still thrive.

    Whilst no one would suggest that the current outlook is anything but bleak, it is a lack of confidence that caused the crisis and it is confidence, both on an individual and a collective basis, which will ultimately provide a large part of the solution back to prosperity. Fortune favours the bold.

    True confidence is based in realism
    The ability to make realistic, objective appraisals of both your own and your company's current situation will be invaluable over the coming months. The situation is likely to be very fluid, so accurately assessing your position within the business, and the position of the business within the market will enable you to make confident decisions that will only enhance your future prospects.

    The certainty is, for example, that jobs will become increasingly scarce across virtually all professional sectors over the coming months. If you are a candidate, it may well mean that you will need to up your game to remain competitive in a diminishing pool of opportunities. If you are currently employed, it could be that you may be required to work longer hours to justify your position, or at the very least demonstrate flexibility in your approach to your role and responsibilities.

    Whatever the scenario, being aware of the real effects of a downturn to your individual situation and making sensible decisions on how to counter them is a useful skill indeed.

    Adapt and survive
    It takes a set of heightened, sharper skills to truly thrive in a period of economic downturn. Businesses and individuals will not only be required to perform more effectively, but they may well need to change the way they see their business model or personal role. Whilst this will without doubt be demanding for all concerned, often it can be viewed as no bad thing, as it compels people to become more resourceful and industrious, qualities that are vital to successful companies.

    Taking the initiative and reshaping your role or CV to reflect a more diverse and flexible skills base is a key aspect to creating personal opportunities in any economic climate, although it is an essential attribute in today's marketplace. If you are looking for work, be prepared to consider alternative options such as temping or part time positions, and be realistic and flexible towards salary aspirations.

    Necessity creates innovation
    As anyone over 35 will know or tell you, recessions are traumatic periods to work within, although they do eventually yield significant benefits to professionals and individuals flexible enough to weather the storm. The lessons learnt during recessions may be tough, but they can contribute greatly to the overall development of businesses and individuals alike.

    Within recessions, professionals need to be proactive, resourceful, and adaptable. Perhaps most importantly, individuals and businesses need to rediscover the ability to innovate, pursuing fresh and alternative avenues towards personal and commercial success. Whether this means approaching the job market in a different manner, or thinking outside the box within your own business and its recruitment policy, it is clever, inventive thinking that will allow certain people and companies to prosper in a time like this.

    Confidence works both ways
    Despite the regular portions of impending doom served up to the hungry masses by the UK media (arguably creating a self fulfilling prophesy), it is more than possible to develop your career prospects, professional development and personal fulfilment, even during periods such as these.

    Supported by the right people, such as a specialist recruitment consultant that knows the marketplace inside out, there are still some great opportunities out there for you to aspire to. All the recession does is make those roles that much more competitively contested, meaning that any approach to landing your ideal role must be sharper than ever.

    A critical part of this approach will be confidence. Get yourself into a positive state of mind and stay there.